Masks are in high demand in Japan

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Hi Everyone,

I visited the Amplitude shop in Shibuya the other day.

Amplitude is a brand that belongs to the THREE group.

Both are owned by POLA.

Rumiko, which RMK was named after, now create products for Amplitude.

I recognized that many ex-RMK employees are now with Amplitude. They are in love with Rumiko. Amplitude is expanding more and more, starting from Isetan.

I was told by a Laduree shop that RMK has excellent foundations, and Amplitude should be the same as it is created by Rumiko.

This time, I bought the limited eyeshadows.


I found an interesting blog about masks, which are sold out all over Japan due to the coronavirus.

The blogger is saying,

‘If masks are bought more than needed and sold out, people who are infected might not be able to buy them. Those infected, if not wearing masks, might give the virus to other people.’

He is talking from a different viewpoint where masks should be sold to. People who need a mask are those infected.

Japan sends many masks to China. I am sure that some Japanese think it important to distribute them in Japan first.

It is not only liked by Chinese social media, but it may make sense with a view to preventing more from being infected.

This reminds me of ‘Giver’ theory.  A Giver contributes to others, and by doing so, the Giver eventually gets more from an increased base.

Thank you for reading,





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